Working Over Christmas

Working over Christmas is … interesting. Most people hate working at this time of the year and argue, perhaps rightfully, that the time should be spent with family and friends. However, our latest research has revealed that over a third of employees enjoy working over the festive period.

It seems to ultimately depend on your outlook, so if you are working this Christmas, read on for our top tips to keep yourself sane!

1. Get involved with Secret Santa

Our research shows that 16.8% of employees think getting involved with Secret Santa is one of the best parts about working over the Christmas period. So don’t be a Scrooge — sign up and get involved! Even if you’re not feeling particularly ‘festive’ about working, joining in just might improve your outlook and help you to forget that you’re working over Christmas.

2. Go to your company’s Christmas party

They say that Christmas is the best time of the year. If you like to party, this couldn’t be more true. Companies tend to encourage staff cohesion by throwing Christmas parties at this time of the year, and 18.6% of workers say that this is the best part about working over the festive period.

So, do yourself a favour and get involved. You’ll have a good time and get to know the people you work with. If partying isn’t your thing, you could always arrange something yourself.

3. Embrace the jolly customers

Hopefully, your customers are friendly people and you get on well. But this isn’t always the case, and a lot of workers have to deal with angry and unhappy customers on a day-to-day basis. But it seems people are more optimistic over Christmas, and 21.9% of you think jolly customers are the best thing about working over this period.

So, if you’d rather be elsewhere, just try to embrace their optimism and get into the Christmas spirit.

4. Make the most of the casual dress code

Sticking to a regimented dress code can be a pain, to say the least. Not only do you have to go out and buy clothes specially, you’re also less able to dress in a way that reflects your unique taste and personality. Thankfully, most companies tend to relax their dress code a little over this time of year, and 22.3% of workers think this is the best thing about working over the holiday season.

If you’re working this Christmas, make the most of the casual dress code and work in a wardrobe you really like. Or, if the dress code is festive, enjoy the chance to be a big kid. Who doesn’t love a good Christmas jumper?

5. Enjoy the Christmas songs

What better way to get into the Christmas spirit than to listen to Christmas songs? So crank up those festive tunes and get ready for Santa’s visit.

Maybe your company will let you listen to your favourite Christmas album? Whatever the case, just let go and enjoy the merry feelings that festive music brings.

Working over Christmas is … interesting. Most people hate working at this time of the year and argue, perhaps rightfully, that the time should be spent with family and friends. However, our latest research has revealed that over a third of employees enjoy working over the festive period.

It seems to ultimately depend on your outlook, so if you are working this Christmas, read on for our top tips to keep yourself sane!

Courtesy of CV Library