Getting Out of the Unemployment Rut

5 Top Tips:
Getting Out of the Unemployment Rut
Unemployment can quickly become a vicious cycle and leave you stuck in a rut. So, we’ve compiled our top 5 tips for helping you stay out of unemployment and find yourself a new job.
1. Be Positive
During the job hunting process always remain positive. So even if you think you would be absolutely perfect for a specific job role and you don’t get it, don’t become bitter and resentful. Keep positive about your job hunt and this attitude will shine through in your applications.
2. Keep Active
Step away from the computer for now and be active in your job search. Attend industry discussions and recruitment events, or get in touch with previous contacts to network with professionals. You never know who knows who, and what opportunity that contact could lead to.
3. Stick to a Structure
If you know there’s no need to get up out of bed at 7am every morning, it’s hard to convince yourself to do so. Crawling out of bed in the afternoon and slobbing in front of the TV all day won’t find you a job! Set yourself a structure to keep to; get up early, go for a run and begin your job search afterwards.
4. Take Your Time
Don’t send out numerous applications in the space of 10 minutes with the same generic CV; take your time to really sell yourself in each individual application, moulding your pitch to the specific job role requirements.
5. Spin it
Many employers can see long-term unemployed job seekers as ‘damaged goods’, but don’t feel the need to use the dreaded ‘out of work’ term. If you’re a freelancer or designer, build up a portfolio of your own work in your free time to show off to employers during the interview process when they ask what you’ve been doing recently.
There’s nothing worse than finally bagging yourself an interview after all this time, and having to embarrassingly admit to the prospective employer that for the past 10 months of your unemployment, you’ve spent every day up the pub! Employers want to see that you want their job, rather than a job in general. Show them how you’ve spent your time out of work productively; working on your own projects or furthering your industry knowledge with training courses