Planning Your Next Career Move!

1. CV Update
First up – and we can’t stress how important this is – make sure your CV is newly updated and uploaded to the job boards you choose to use. This ensures that agencies and employers can find you and have the latest information to see about your skills and ambitions.

2. Online Presence
Yes, you thought it was fun running naked through Trafalgar Square and posting the pictures, but it’s not a good look for finding a job. You need to make sure your online presence is also as good – and as professional – as it can be. Employers and recruiters will almost invariably check you out on social media channels before giving you an interview. Make sure it’s a nice result for them!

3. Professional Social Networking
You’ll increase your visibility no end using professional social media networks. They give employers an ‘in’ to who you are and what you’re doing. It’s a sort of pre-interview gambit for time-pressed recruiters and you need to make sure they get a good, fast, engaging look at you. You might even end up with a job that isn’t advertised.

4. Skill Up
If you were wondering why you’re not getting anywhere – or you’re stuck in a career rut – it could be time to skill up. Find out whether you’re as skilled as you think you are. Maybe you need a refresher course on something; you simply may have been overtaken by events. Finding out what the next level of skills are that you need – and plotting a course to acquire them – will give you the positive lift you need to find a better job – or go for a better position!

5. Get a Plan
Create a target list of companies or types of jobs that you are really interested in. Not knowing how to progress is usually because you haven’t created a plan. Recruitment agencies will not doubt have a relationship with many of the clients on your list and will know the best way to approach them on your behalf, this may be on a temporary basis initially enabling you to get a foot in the door.